Friday, January 9, 2015

University of Utah School of Dentistry Public Art Call

Entry Deadline: 1/16/15


Images - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 6 
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 6

View Site Details

The University of Utah in partnership with the Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management and the Utah Division of Arts & Museum Public Art Program is requesting artist or artist team qualifications for the creation of site specific artwork(s) for the University of Utah Noorda School of Oral Health in Salt Lake City, Utah.

University of Utah Ray and Tye Noorda Oral Health Sciences Building

The Noorda Building is nearing completion. The new facility establishes a new School of Dentistry for the University, providing an educational paradigm for the campus by uniting health sciences and dental at the University and focusing on creating the ideal patient care experience.

The new School of Dentistry building contains operatories in public dental clinics, clinic support labs and spaces, lecture halls and conference/seminar rooms, faculty offices, research labs and general building support spaces. Although initially planned for 50 students per year for four years (200 total students), it will have capacity for program growth to 60 students per year (240 total students). Due to the location on the University's campus at Research Park, the Oral Health Sciences Building will allow for integration and collaboration with other health sciences programs, providing opportunities for interdisciplinary care.

The new dental school builds on the University of Utah's long-running, successful dental education programs that include a postgraduate dental residency program, which will continue, and a 32-year-old Regional Dental Education Program directed by Dr. G. Lynn Powell.

The new facility is scheduled for completion and occupancy in December 2014 with a public dedication and ribbon cutting in April of 2015.


The new facility is located in the University of Utah Research Park which was established in 1968.  Research Park lies adjacent to the University of Utah campus on 320 acres of ancient Lake Bonneville shoreline and houses 53 companies, 82 academic departments and approximately 9,728 employees. A master plan has been developed with emphasis on preservation and enhancement of land contiguous to the University.

Research Park companies have added more than 6,097 jobs to the State’s economy, and the annual in-state productivity of Park residents exceeds $550 million. The Park provides a special environment for entrepreneurial growth. It is a reservoir of practical research and business opportunities for University faculty and both graduate and undergraduate students, giving new challenges and opportunities. These opportunities are created in a community that values technological innovation and commercial enterprise.


Site circulation, parking requirements and Research Park design requirements led to the basic form of the building.  The design utilizes the natural slope of the site to place the building with the prominent frontage on Wakara Way and place the parking garage at grade in the hill to the north.  This allows for student pedestrian access from adjacent bus stops directly to the main lobby from the south.  Patient drop off is provided with vehicular access to the main lobby from the north.

The exterior materials and their composition represent the natural Utah landscape. Rough faced masonry veneer representing mountains and the aluminum curtain wall and glass representing the sky.  Terra cotta panels clad the large lecture hall above the main entry off of Wakara. Within the south east corner of the terra cotta is an area containing GFRC panels.  The panels contain a layered pattern representing other features of the natural Utah environment of quaking aspens and dry desert clay.

Internally the building is organized with patient care and clinics on Level 1, student areas on Level 2, and administration on Level 3.

The unifying component of Level 1 is the main lobby/waiting room.  This area becomes the building control point.  A central reception/check-in desk controls passage to the clinic area and has the ability to observe vertical circulation of students to their spaces on Level 2.

The Main Lecture hall on level 2 is located adjacent to the main stair from the Lobby and intended for use by various campus organizations.  Interspersed through Level 2 there are impromptu study/casual learning spaces with varying degrees of privacy. 

Level 2 and Level 3 provide direct connections to the exterior with patio spaces.


The art, like this building, should be inspired by and derived from the essence of the programs and academic pursuits housed here.  The school/building exists to train dentists, serve the people of Utah and pursue scholastic efforts to improve individual health.  The citizens of Utah and region are welcome here.

It is hoped the artist(s) will take into account the experiences of the faculty, staff, residents, students and visitors.  The committee believes the art created should be an important part of the inspiration and stimulus for clinical excellence, educational pursuit, research and discovery.

The art selection committee has identified several potential sites for the placement of public artworks but encourages the selected artist(s) to visit the building and/or suggest other sites that may inspire them.  Interior sites for consideration include the reception/atrium, windowed stairwell, public corridors and public entrances.  Exterior sites are limited, but might include the scaled café seating area of the facility at the northwest corner or east side of the building.

The Noorda facility will be opening in December, 2014.  Finalists will have the opportunity to visit the completed building if desired.   The Committee hopes to have the new work(s) installed as soon as possible. 


$169,000 is available for all related expenses of this public art commission(s) including (but not limited to) artist fees, fabrication, insurance, shipping, travel, installation, documentation, etc.  The committee may commission more than one artist.


This project is open to resident American or US legal resident professional artists / artist teams.  Utah artists are strongly encouraged to apply. Art selection committee members and immediate families, employees or consultants of MHTN Architects, Utah Arts & Museums Staff and Board and Okland Construction are not eligible for this project.


Interested artists may submit applications online or hard copy.  The deadline is the same for both methods and is not a postmark deadline.  Please do not include supplemental materials beyond the requirements listed below.


  • Register at and follow the directions for registration and submitting material for this Public Art Request for Qualifications   

If the artist’s work cannot be documented well with still image you may submit movie files via the “Hard Copy Method” listed below.  

HARD COPY METHOD: (All hard copy applications must include the following)

1. A PC compatible CD or DVD labeled with applicant's name, and contact information containing:

2. A letter of interest of not more than two typewritten pages in pdf format. This letter should include the artist’s reasons for interest in this project in particular.  In doing so, the artist should also describe how his/her work and/or experience relates to the project. 

3. Up to six (6) images maximum of previous site-specific public work. All images must be in JPEG format, 1920 pixels maximum on the longest side, 72 dpi, with compression settings resulting in the best image quality under 2MB file size. The image files should be named so that the list sorts in the order of the image listing.

4. A pdf document indentifying each image to include title, year, medium, dimensions.

5. A professional resume in pdf format

If the work cannot be documented with still images a DVD (of no more than 3 minutes) may be submitted as documentation of artist’s projects.  Please note only one media, movie file or images, can be presented to the committee per artist in this preliminary phase. Please do not submit movie files of 2D static work or of still images.

If the artist wishes the material returned, an addressed and stamped envelope of ample size and postage for return of the CD or DVD should be included. Material that is not accompanied by a stamped envelope cannot be returned.

Utah Arts & Museums will not be responsible for applications delayed or lost in transit.  While all reasonable care will be taken in the handling of materials, neither the Utah Division of Arts & Museums nor the Noorda Dental College Art Selection Committee will be liable for late, lost or damaged materials or electronic files.  Faxed or e-mailed applications cannot be accepted.

The Noorda Dental College Art Selection Committee reserves the right to withhold the award of a commission or re-release the call for entries. 


Complete application packages must be RECEIVED on or before January 16, 2015 by 5 p.m. (THIS IS NOT A POSTMARK DEADLINE.) All supporting materials must accompany application.

Please send, deliver or courier DVD/CD applications to:

Jim Glenn, Utah Public Art Program

Attention: Noorda Dental College

Utah Arts & Museums

300 S Rio Grande

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


The Selection Committee will review all material properly submitted.  Finalists will be selected from the first phase of applicants submitting qualifications.  Selection of the commissioned artist will be based on Finalist presentations to the Committee.  Finalist will be asked to present a proposal, timeline and budget to the Committee on April 3, 2015.

An honorarium will be offered to the finalists to help with the costs associated with the preparation, research and travel. This honorarium will be applied toward the commission amount for the artist(s) awarded the commission. Final selection(s) will be made from the finalists interviewed.

Please note this commission is a privately funded project coordinated and managed by the Utah Public Art Program in support of art in public places.  Commission contracts, future maintenance and conservation will all be with and through the University of Utah School of Dentistry.


November 25, 2014 - Release RFQ

January 16, 2015  - Deadline for receipt of preliminary materials

February 6, 2015 - Committee Review

April 3, 2015 -  Finalists presentations

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