Friday, August 2, 2013

Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design Intel Fellowship @ CIID

  • Location: Copenhagen
  • Deadline: August 23, 2013
  • Duration: 12-month programme cycle, starting from October 7, 2013 (the Fellow is expected to reside in the Copenhagen region for at least 50% of this period)
  • Eligibility: - MA or PhD degree or an equivalent record of professional accomplishment in the field of: Interaction Design, Fine Art, Design Research, Computer Science, Creative Coding, Digital Aesthetics, New Media, Media Studies, Digital Humanities, or a related pursuit. - A record of academic publication - Active art and design practice - Fluency in English - Organisational, networking, budgeting and communication skills - Ability to work both independently and as a part of a team - Ability to implement the proposed project
  • Costs & Support: Up to 30,000 USD project budget (This maximum should include subsistence estimates for the duration of the residency and can be used in part to allocate living expenses for the applicant.)
  • URL:

Intel Fellowship @ CIID


Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) announces – in collaboration with Intel Corporation – a programme that awards and fosters excellence and widespread influence in Art, Design and Technology.
The Intel Fellowship @ CIID recognises and resources outstanding initiatives that extend the impact of research and researchers in interaction design, artistic practice in technology and creative inquiry in communications and media.
The programme involves practice-based researchers in art and design with the ongoing research at CIID. It also provides artists/designers/researchers with opportunities to develop self-led projects that push boundaries in practice and research in pursuits that integrate art, design and technology practice and theory.
The emphasis of projects and programmes developed through this corporate/research partnership will be on evolving the perspectives, tools and shared knowledge of art and design communities in response to a rapidly changing and increasingly technological world.
The Fellowship will be awarded annually to an individual or group of practitioners/researchers with demonstrated potential to further disseminate and extend the influence of outstanding research and projects, perspectives, methods, and tools that contribute to a shared knowledge base and to the development of curricula in interaction design and related fields.
Fellows will have the chance to work in close collaboration with the CIID Research team throughout the residence at the CIID studios in Copenhagen, Denmark. Fellows will engage with technologists and researchers at Intel, and will have the possibility to further project and development resources through the pioneering computational technologies company.
The Intel Fellowship @ CIID is part of a network of similar programmes at other institutions internationally, all devoted to investigations in art, design and technology – fostering cross-institutional communication and influence in related disciplines. The activities of the Fellow will be enriched and supported by this global network of researchers and the Fellow will be expected to develop programmes of influence in collaboration with these other institutions and individuals.


CIID will award one fellowship consisting of:
- Up to 30,000 USD project budget (This maximum should include subsistence estimates for the duration of the residency and can be used in part to allocate living expenses for the applicant.)
- A 12-month programme cycle, starting from October 7, 2013 (It is not a requirement that the selected Fellow spend the full twelve months of the Fellowship period in Copenhagen. The Fellow is expected to reside in the Copenhagen region for at least 50% of this period.)
- Space and facilities for research and practice, including digital fabrication and workshop facilities
- Access to a global network of expertise through world-class research-practitioners in art, design and technology
- Involvement in CIID/Intel’s ongoing thinking and projects
- Project development and conceptual direction support
- Potential additional funding for project specific activities


The Fellow is expected to be in residence in CIID for at least 6 months of the fellowship tenure. Besides developing the proposed project, the Fellow is asked to:
- Prepare 2 published outputs (possibly in collaboration with CIID)
- Give 2 presentations in an international form or repute (paper, publication, workshop)
- Give 2 presentations at CIID
- Be present at an Intel meeting in London in October 2013
- Write a weekly blog post about the work progress or relevant activities
- Be responsible for communications to Intel (coordination of a speaker series, hosting a workshop with Intel representatives)


Please complete the online application and submit all requested documents by August 23rd, 2013. All application documents must be in English.

You will be required to submit the following:
- Documentation of projects (such as a portfolio, preferably digital or in the form of URLs)
- CV
- A short essay on your career to date and your contribution to fields related to interaction design (up to 500 words)
2 professional or academic references of persons who are able to speak to your accomplishments (these will be contacted as required)
- Relevant past collaborative work with other research organisations, successful grant applications, any other information that demonstrates track record as a researcher (optional).
- A 3-page project proposal, including:
1. Objectives (goals to accomplish, main research questions, outline of an actual time spent in residence at CIID’s studios)
2. Project plan (research to be undertaken, deliverables and milestones)
3. Technical plan (technical aspects of the project, projected equipment and facilities requirements, projected time plan)
4. Project budget (allocation of the 30,000 USD in available resources including estimated living costs, 1 page)


The applications will be reviewed by a committee of experts. Interviews will be requested as needed. Selected candidates will be contacted for further discussion about their work and project proposal, and the Intel Fellow @ CIID will be announced by September 15th, 2013 for start in October 2013.
The criteria for assessment of applications include:
- Overall quality of the project proposal
- Potential impact of the research
- Proven ability to plan, manage and accomplish the project
- Qualities of the applicant as an independent researcher
- Conceptual and creative interest
- Applicant’s vision and ambition
- Awareness of the broader context relevant to the proposed project
- Ability to communicate and reach out to general and professional audience
For more information contact:
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