Entry Deadline: 1/20/15
Days remaining to deadline: 13
Images - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 10
Audio - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 5
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 5
Total Media - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 20
Days remaining to deadline: 13
Images - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 10
Audio - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 5
Video - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 5
Total Media - Minimum: 0, Maximum: 20
Intermedia Arts, a nonprofit arts center in Minneapolis, MN, is seeking two artists or artist teams to participate in Creative CityMaking Minneapolis (CCM), a partnership with the Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy program of the City of Minneapolis that fosters collaborations between local artists and City departments to develop fresh and innovative approaches to address long-term planning, neighborhood and community relations, engagement, and social issues facing Minneapolis. During 2015, Creative CityMaking Minneapolis will embed artists in five City projects. This Call is to embed two artists or artist teams for the initial two departmental projects in the City of Minneapolis.
Applications due: January 20, 2015
Information sessions: December 15 from 4-5 PM and January 7, 2015, 5-6 PM at Intermedia Arts. Last day for questions: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at Midnight
This project is designed as a 20 hour per week commitment for 12 months. Following these 12 months, hours will be adjusted and tailored to the needs of the project, including sharing the story of the work. There is potential for this project to become multi-year work.
The collaborative work produced by the teams will be showcased throughout the year at community meetings, citywide community events, and will culminate in a public exhibition. In addition, artists and City personnel will meet throughout the year in a series of participant convenings, where they will exchange ideas, share progress, and learn about effective cross-sector partnership.
The Goals of Creative CityMaking Minneapolis
Creative CityMaking Minneapolis (CCM) is an arts-based innovation initiative that pairs staff in City of Minneapolis departments with experienced community artists to advance the City’s One Minneapolis goal: Disparities are eliminated so all Minneapolis residents can participate and prosper. (More information available at: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/citygoals/). These collaborations between City staff and artists are in support of the following goals:
- To use arts resources and practices to help City departments address their priority issues;
- To design and test new interfaces between City systems and the community, and new approaches for community engaged policy-making, planning, and practice;
- To enhance City staff and artists’ abilities to facilitate community engagement, and equip them with new tools for working effectively with traditionally underrepresented communities;
- To create a collaborative, sustainable support system that advances the work of City departments through partnership with experienced community artists;
- To document and communicate lessons learned.
Opportunity 1: Placement in the Long Range Planning Division of the Minneapolis Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED)
About the Long Range Planning Division of CPED:
The City of Minneapolis department of Community Planning and Economic Development Long Range Planning division prepares and maintains the City's comprehensive plan, small area plans, thematic plans, and strategic planning initiatives. The work of the division is divided into four areas: planning, research, urban design, and public art. In 2013, the Long Range Planning division was a key partner in the pre-pilot year of Creative CityMaking. This new placement will be working with the urban design area.
Project Title: Creative Asset Mapping
Placement in the Planning Division of the Minneapolis Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED).
Calling artists and creative professionals for a creative community engagement and asset mapping initiative focused within Areas of Concentrated Poverty (ACP) and Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty (RCAP) in Minneapolis. The specific boundaries of these areas and the methodology to identify them are defined in the adopted plan for the region, Thrive MSP 2040. See:http://www.metrocouncil.org/Planning/Projects/Thrive-2040/Thrive-MSP-2040-Plan.aspx
The asset mapping initiative will provide a platform for creative engagement of communities in identifying key community assets and will seek to creatively represent those assets as one input that the city can refer to in developing future strategies, whether for public investment, capacity building, or to inform the City’s long range plans.
The department seeks an artist or artist team with extensive experience in community engagement and graphic design to undertake creative asset mapping in order to identify valuable but potentially underutilized or underserved community assets. Assets may include, but are not limited to, cultural, educational, infrastructural, economic, place-making, housing-related, morphological, or natural.
CPED seeks an artist(s)/creative professional team with strong community engagement, mapping, and data visualization skills, as well as strong cultural competencies to work collaboratively with departmental staff, designers, community organizers and stakeholders in diverse communities. Identification of assets is a subjective process that will require a clear definition of what the process is and what it isn’t, a purposeful methodology, and the recognition that artistic representation through mapping is itself positional and subjective; so it will be important that the artist/creative team understands the challenges inherent in generating and representing asset maps in communities traditionally underrepresented in City processes.
Opportunity 2: Placement in the Neighborhood & Community Relations (NCR) Department of the Minneapolis City Coordinator’s Office
About NCR:
The mission of the Department is to strengthen our city’s quality of life through vigorous community participation, resident involvement in neighborhood and community organizations, and supporting clearly defined links between the City, City services, neighborhood and community organizations.
Project Title: The Blueprint for Equitable Engagement
Placement in the Neighborhood & Community Relations Department of the Minneapolis City Coordinator’s Office
The Blueprint for Equitable Engagement is a multi-year strategic action plan to ensure an equitable community engagement system for the City of Minneapolis; to ensure the City’s engagement efforts are equitable in their approach and implementation. An equitable engagement system ensures that all community voices are sought and valued, and that decision-makers reflect the communities they serve. The Blueprint for Equitable Engagement focuses in the following areas of the City’s engagement work:
- Neighborhood organizations
- City boards and commissions
- City enterprise outreach and engagement
The artist(s) will work collaboratively with The Access and Outreach Team, which is dedicated to ensuring that equitable engagement practices are utilized wherever barriers exist due to language, disability, institutional practices and/or cultural norms. Examples of initiatives that support equitable engagement include American Disabilities Act (ADA) support, the Latino Engagement Task Force and the American Indian Memorandum of Understanding.
In 2015 the department has initiatives to strengthen engagement with the Southeast Asian, East African and African-American communities. The artist(s) will collaboratively move the work of the department forward, creating new ways to engage communities.
Eligibility for both Project Opportunities:
We are seeking experienced artists, designers or artist teams from a broad range of artistic disciplines, including but not limited to: visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, media arts, interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary arts. Artists must have experience with artistic processes that are social, interactive, and physical. Artists must be available to attend all participant convenings and scheduled program dates (see attached “Program Dates”). Artists must have a strong history of at least two years of collaboration. Creative CityMaking is open to all artists within a reasonable commuting-distance from Minneapolis. Members of the Minneapolis Arts Commission, the Commission’s Public Arts Advisory Panel, Intermedia Arts staff and board and City of Minneapolis staff are not eligible to apply.
Selected artists or artist teams will receive a fee of $30,000 for work that will occur over the course of 12-months, from February 2015 to February 2016.
Project Expenses:
Selected artists will be paired with a City department managing a specific project in the department’s 2015 workplan. Each artist-department team will have additional funds for project materials related to Creative CityMaking. The artist-department team will determine the use of their allocated Creative CityMaking project budget, to include project material expenses and a culminating community event.
Artist Scope of Services and Expectations:
- Collaborate regularly with project partners.
- Spend working time within the City department as needed.
- Keep project goals at forefront of work.
Participate in Training and Meetings
- Participate in project orientation, quarterly daylong convenings with City staff/artist teams, and other project-related networking events.
- Coordinate and present relevant information through at least one creative community event with City project stakeholders through theater, visual arts, exhibit, etc.
- Meet at least monthly with City staff, project manager (s) and staff team.
- Participate in mid-project check-ins with City staff, project manager(s), project partners (Intermedia Arts and Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy), and community stakeholders.
- Contribute to monthly communications.
- Communicate regularly with project manager(s).
- Submit monthly engagement logs and report on how time was spent.
- Submit workplan.
- Work within communications protocols established by City of Minneapolis and Intermedia Arts.
Data Collection (where relevant)
- Become familiar with appropriate background information, including relevant research and data.
- Work closely with City staff and managers to ensure that any data collected for City efforts is data that can be used.
- Develop plan for data entry and sharing with City staff at outset of project, and as new tools are developed.
Create and document process and tools
- Develop instructions and a template for each tool created.
- Co-develop an exhibit of tools, approaches, and lessons learned for the Creative CityMaking culminating event and exhibit.
- Share visual and written documentation of the process, activities, and new tools generated.
- Provide data to program evaluators.
- Participate in the program evaluation and activities.
- Participate in program documentation, including video/media as requested.
Share Back
- Plan and hold final event for community.
- Attend and participate in planning and community. meetings/presentations as needed.
- Assist and attend final exhibit.
- Other project activities as needed.
Extend Arts-Based Practices
- Engage with other departments as requested to support the thorough integration of arts-based innovation within the City.
Artist Qualifications/Selection Criteria:
1. Experience as a Practicing Artist
- Demonstrated five years minimum experience as a practicing, working artist.
- A focus on urban and social issues, as central to artists’ creative expression.
2. Connections to the City
- Strong interest in the intersection of art and city processes, and public administration issues.
- Ability to work collaboratively and in a team-based environment.
- Demonstrated experience at navigating systems and willingness to work within required public processes.
3. Connections to the Community
- Demonstrated experience or strong interest in working with communities and/or the general public in the creative process.
- Knowledge of local communities.
- Exceptional cultural competency and demonstrated ability to constructively work with traditionally underrepresented communities.
4. Personal Capacity
- Strong communication, facilitation, interpersonal, presentation, and equity-focused skills.
- Willingness and ability to learn and grow while meeting the changing requirements of the work.
- Regular availability during the project timeline (February 2015 - February 2016).
- Interest in collaborating with City departments to achieve goals.
For more information, please visit: http://www.intermediaarts.org/
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