Monday, July 15, 2013


23rd June—8th September '13
In partnership with the Barry Flanagan Foundation, Flat Time House is accepting applications for an artist's residency to begin in November 2013.

FTHo, the former home and studio of artist John Latham, which he designated a 'living sculpture', will operate as a base for interrogating sculpture as a subject of research, rather than a static artform or medium. The residency will involve time spent in the John Latham and Barry Flanagan Archives.

The play of shifting dimensions and the play of paradox inherent in the work of Barry Flanagan was reflected in his interest in 'pataphysics, a science that rests 'on the truth of contradictions and exceptions', a systematic approach to undermining all systems that is also reflected in the work of his former teacher John Latham. PHYNANCE, named from a pataphysical reference in a drawing by Flanagan aims to continue and facilitate such approaches to sculptural production.

The selected artist will be provided with accommodation, studio, stipend and a production budget towards new work. The artist will be selected from an open call, with the 4 month residency resulting in a public exhibition and publication in 2014. We are seeking applications from artists who have been working professionally for 5 years. We welcome international applications.

The residency selection panel consists of Mike Nelson (Artist) Jo Melvin (Barry Flanagan Foundation), Claire Louise Staunton (Curator, FTHo) and Jon Wood (Research Curator, Henry Moore Institute).

The residency includes a 2000 pound budget towards the production of new work, a 2000 pound stipend and up to 350 pounds towards travel expenses. Flat Time House will offer a self contained artist's residence with en-suite bathroom. Adjoining kitchen facilities are shared with FTHo's staff.

The deadline for applications is September 8 2013. The residency is to begin late November 2013 and run until late March 2014.

Artists will be judged primarily on the quality of their work, but also on the potential of their practice to translate into a new body of work that re-examines the role of sculpture.

Please email with a single pdf file no larger than 3mb containing:

- Statement outlining the proposed direction of research and development of new work during the residency (max 500 words)
- General statement on your practice (max 500 words)
- CV
- 12 images max of recent work and/or links to audio visual work hosted online

OR send us a data CD containing a single pdf (with the above information) and sound/video files to arrive no later than September 8 2013. Please post to Flat Time House, 210 Bellenden Road, London SE15 4BW

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