Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Applications for the 2013-2014 Queer/Art/Mentorship Cycle Are Now Open

Application Deadline: Friday, June 28, 2013 at 5pm EST
What Are We Looking For? 
We seek fellows who :
  • Work within at least one of the following disciplines: literary, film, visual arts, performing arts (including dance and music), and curatorial arts (in any kind of medium; e.g. galleries, books, etc.)
  • Self-Identify as queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgendered
  • Are New York City-based
  • Are Not Currently enrolled in school or university
  • Are Early-Career and professionally focused
  • Have a project that they’d like to work on with a mentor during the 2013-2014 mentorship cycle.
Application requirements:
Please read the application requirements below, and submit your contact info and essay responses  using the onlineapplication form. You will not be able to save your application form online, so please complete beforehand.
Submit the following application materials through the online application form :
  • Name, address, and contact info
  • Describe a formative experience you’ve had with queer culture (250 words).
  • Describe your art; how you and it have evolved; and where you would like to see yourself and your art develop. Please reference the work samples submitted in this application (500 words).
  • Describe a specific project you’d like to work on in the next year and share with a mentor over the 2013-2014 mentorship cycle (500 words).
  • Describe why you’re interested in the Queer/Art/Mentorship Program; what you feel participation would do for your life, art, and career; and what you can imagine being able to offer to the relationship (250 words).
For Film/Video Applicants, and those with video/audio work online: Please submit url links to your work samples in the online form.
All work samples and CVs must be submitted in one email to queerartmentorship@gmail.com
All files should be labeled FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and numbered according to the order in which you’d like them to be viewed. Ex: BROWN_TALLY_01
Please use the following specifications when formatting your work sample materials:
Please send your CV (two pages max.) as a PDF document
Photography / Visual
Up to 12 images using the following specifications:
  • Dimensions: 1,240 pixels x 1,240 pixels (maximum)
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • File size: No larger than 4.0 MGB (each image)
  • File format: .JPG
Manuscript or Scripts
Please send a PDF that includes:
  • A title page with your name, title of your work(s), and year the work(s) was completed.
  • Up to 10 pages of prose, poetry, or play which best represent your work within the past five years. If you are excerpting a larger work, you are strongly advised to include substantial portions, rather than small fragments. Do not include publication and/or production information anywhere on your manuscript. Do not include your artistic résumé in your PDF. Scanned excerpts from books or periodicals, in published form, will not be accepted. Manuscripts must be in English, but can be translated into English by someone other than the artist. Documents must be in manuscript form, double spaced with 12 point typeface.
Film and Video
For Film and Video you may submit one or two recent (within the last five years) work samples. The panel will view 10-12 minutes of your work sample.  Applications with video or film samples must submit their work as an online sample (via YouTube or Vimeo only).

For Online Video Submissions:
Please provide us with the URL, Title and length of your video submission in the application form.

Please ask for two letters of recommendation from individuals  who are  familiar with your goals and artistic work to write a letter of recommendation (max 500 words each). They may email them as a PDF or .doc attachment to queerartmentorship@gmail.com.  The files should be named “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_RECOMMENDATION_1” and “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_RECOMMENDATION_2”  

If you applied to the 2011-2012, or 2012-2013 Q/A/M cycles, your letter of recommendation is on file and will be accepted. 
If you have any questions, please email jklorfein@queerartmentorship.org, or call 212-431-0147. 

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