Monday, October 22, 2012

US National Parks Artist in Residency Programs

Did you know that the US National Parks Service offers several artist in residency programs?
Many parks within the US offer AIR programs so check out a few of these links, many of the deadlines are coming up soon!

Rocky Mountain National Park
Artists have had a long-standing impact on the formation, expansion and direction of our national parks. Painting the landscapes of the American West, visual artists like George Catlin and Albert Bierstadt focused attention on natural wonders in the western landscape, then unfamiliar to the eastern populace.
These visual records of early artists helped to stimulate the establishment of many of our national parks.
Today, painters continue to document national park landscapes with contemporary approaches and techniques. Writers, sculptors, musicians, composers, and other performing artists also draw upon the multifaceted quality of parks for inspiration.
These artists translate the national park's purpose, as a place of pleasure and preservation, into images which bring others enjoyment and a deeper understanding of the parks many Americans may never visit.
Rocky Mountain National Park's Artist-In-Residence Program continues this tradition.
To download a printable brochure and application, click

Zion National Park:
The Artist-in-Residence Program invites selected artists for a four-week period in the fall and spring. The primary residence is a historic house located on the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Artists may also use a campsite in Zion Canyon, if preferred. The furnished house is large enough to provide adequate studio space. Artists must be self-sufficient, able to work independently in an isolated environment, and comply with all park regulations and policies.

Grand Canyon's Artist-in-Residence Programs
Whether you are a traditionalist in the vein of Thomas Moran or a contemporary artist creating new paths towards understanding both environmental and cultural issues, you are welcome here. The Artist-in-Residence Program offers professional artists the opportunity to spend three weeks on either the North or South Rim of Grand Canyon in housing provided by the National Park Service. The North Rim AiR program is seasonal, with six residencies during the spring, summer, and fall. The South Rim AiR program is year-round, providing twelve artist opportunities.

Visual arts: painters, sculptors, printmakers, new media artists, muralists, designers, ceramicists, artisans, multi-discipline artists, fiber artists, mixed media artists, jewelers
Media: photographers, film makers, videographers
Writers: fiction and non-nonfiction writers, poets, playwrights
Performing arts: composers, musicians, dancers, performance artists, storytellers, dramatic artists

AiR artist proposals should be site-specific to Grand Canyon National Park, support the park’s Interpretative Themes, and will focus on such issues as ecology, the environment, park advocacy, conservation and other themes relevant to the parks.

Everglades Artist in Residence Program
Spanning the southern tip of the Florida peninsula and most of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park is the only subtropical wilderness in North America. It is known for its rich wildlife, particularly large wading birds, and it is the only place in the world where both alligators and crocodiles coexist.
The Everglades National Park Artist in Residence in Everglades (AIRIE) program offers artists the opportunity to live and work in this unique environment for a period of up to one month. The works completed under this program will contribute to the public understanding and appreciation of Everglades National Park. It is hoped that these works will characterize the Everglades for present and future generations, giving park visitors and the general public an opportunity to see our heritage through the eyes, and ears of the contributing artists.

There are a lot more residencies offered so visit the park serivice's website to explore for yourself!

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