Friday, October 26, 2012

Call for Proposals. European Urban Media Network 2013

Medialab-Prado participe on the call for proposal to be developed within the European Urban Media Network for Connecting Cities.This 3-year Europe-wide initiative aim to create a networked infrastructure of urban screens and media facades to circulate artistic and socially relevant content.
This call is aimed at the selection of artistic and sociocultural proposals that use the mediafacades, digital facades and urban screens of the partners of this European network.
Deadline: November 4, 2012
Curated by: Nerea Calvillo 

General Approach

Connecting Cities Network aims to create a networked infrastructure of urban screens and media facades to circulate artistic and socially relevant content. The media facades will be transformed into local stages and open a global window for the public audience to create a dialogue and connect the local public virtually with the other places throughout Europe and beyond.
In 2013 through the topic Networked City 2013 will discuss the question of how urban media facades can become a catalyst for shared encounters in an identity-building temporary field of interaction across the borders of time and distance.
The curators of the Connecting Cities Network will select 9 artist projects for the Networked City 2013. These projects will be presented on the urban media facades of the participating cities and open live windows to the cities. The Connecting Cities Events within May and November 2013 will present simultaneously especially developed artists’ projects in all partner cities. The artists’ work will circulate within in the network and connect different cities with each other. All Connecting Cities Events will be followed by a research of audience and community development.The main challenge of Networked City will be to identify contents with relevance on an international level and to develop technology standards by comparing the different local and national circumstances and production conditions.

Entry Rules

Medialab-Prado, as a partner of the project, opens this public call to select at least one project to experiment with and activate the digital facade. The selected author will take part in the European workshop for artists and curators that will take place from Februrary 1 to 4, 2013 in Marseille. The selected project will have to be adapted to at least one more location of the European network.  How can art projects be used to connect the local public virtually with remote places? What are the expectations and visions of our European neighbours? Networked City 2013 intends to connect local neighbourhoods through participatory processes.
Who can apply
This call is for creatores, artists, developers, programmers... either individuals or collectives with the necessary technical knowledge to develop the project autonomously. The project will be supported by Medialab-Prado in terms of technical and logistical guidance for its installation and presentation in its digital facade at the Plaza de las Letras.

The works should:
  • be conceived for the Digital Facade of Medialab-Prado and at least one more of the devices integrated on the Connecting Cities Network.
  • operate on open source / mobile / simple systems
  • come with an outline of its technical specifications in order to allow it’s easy Europe-wide adaptation
  • be quickly to build up and remove.

Curatorial Criteria
The projects should include and explore the following issues:
  1. open-up a mainly commercially used urban screens and media facades infrastructure as a lab for the public audience and creative people to be actively engaged in socio-political environments and interconnecting hyper-local communities through participation and visualisation of site-specific processes
  2. the role of art and creative technology in shaping human futures in terms of migration and transformation processes across places towards reconciliation and encouragement of dialogue among conflicting factions within our future societies
  3. stimulate a public discourse about the changing relation and the future of our urban development through the information and communication technologies (ICT) and sharing expertise and knowledge.

Curators of the project: Susa Pop (Public Art Lab, Berlin), Christopher Lindinger & Roland Haring (Ars Electronica GmbH, Linz), Yves Bernard (iMAL, Brussels), Mike Stubbs (FACT, Liverpool), Minna Tarkka, (m-cult, Helsinki), Nerea Calvillo (Medialab-Prado, Madrid), Diana Civle (Riga 2014, Riga), Céline Jouenne (Videospread, Marseille), Özlem Alkis (BIS Body Process Arts Association, Istanbul), Tihomir Milovac (The Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb), Alain Mongeau (MUTEK, Montreal), Ina Studenroth, (Marseille Provence 2013, Marseille) and Martin Brynskov (Universidad de Aarhus, Aarhus).
Fees and production budget

Artists' fee: 1.500 €
Production costs: 2.000 €


Call Deadline: November 4, 2012
Curators' selection deadline: November 17, 2012.
Curators' and artists' workshop: February 1-4, 2013.
‘Joint Broadcasting Events’: From May to November, 2013

Technical Information

Technical information on the digital façade. 
Check out here the technical information of the rest of the partners' digital facades and urban screens.

Funded by Culture Programme of the European Union (2007-2013).

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