Letters of interest and qualifications are requested from artists or artist teams interested in creating artwork for the public areas of the new 2nd District Juvenile Court Facility in Ogden, Utah.
2nd District Juvenile Court - http://www.utcourts.gov/courts/juv/juvsites/2nd/
The Vision of the Second District Juvenile Court is to strive toward protecting and ensuring the rights and safety of each individual within our community by acting in the best interest of the child through a judicial system accessible to all.
The Second District Juvenile Courthouse in Ogden is a five story structure with 8 court rooms, two on each of the upper four levels. Probation, Clerical, Mediation and Support are located on the ground floor level. It has been designed around the State of Utah court prototype which has previously been constructed in Logan St. George, West Jordan, and Tooele. The exterior skin Is a combination of masonry, metal panel and glass. The structure is of a modern Art Deco style and is a keystone to the redevelopment of the river walk district in which it is located. The structure will afford spacious views of the Wasatch Mountains to the east.
Utah State Courts - http://www.utcourts.gov/index.html
The mission of the Utah Courts is to provide the people an open, fair, efficient, and independent system for the advancement of justice under the law.
Ogden City, Utah -
The City of Ogden is nestled against the Wasatch Mountains, with an Olympic ski resort and other high adventure hot spots just minutes to the east and fantastic views of the Great Salt Lake located to the west. Two major rivers, the Ogden and Weber flow through the city on their way to the Great Salt Lake and are a playground for waterfowl, fish and human visitors alike. Ogden enjoys four distinct seasons, with temperatures ranging from the mid-20’s in January to the mid-80’s in July.
Ogden has its roots in the railroad industry as the Junction City of the Transcontinental Railroad, which was completed at the historic Golden Spike location at Promontory Summit in 1869. For several decades Ogden was touted as the major passenger railroad junction of the West, owing to its central location for both major east-west and north-south rail routes. This led to the business community developing the catch phrase, “you can’t go anywhere without coming to Ogden.”
Ogden has a population of 82,702 and celebrates one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse populations in the state. Of those residents the median age is 28.6 years of age. Downtown Ogden has a daytime population of 8,500, and there are over 114,500 people living within a 10 minute drive of downtown.
Ogden’s recent, nationally renowned renaissance has been driven by the recognition that economic and social development hinge on the importance of an integral creative population and relationships that reach across talent pools, creating an energetic and forward-moving community. More information on Ogden’s vital cultural life may be found at: http://ogdencityarts.org/
The Juvenile Court is motivated by a vision to mend, protect and strengthen families and the community. It teaches youth by helping them to be accountable for their choices, and protects children and families who have been harmed by abuse and neglect. It is the desire of the Art Selection Committee that the art reflect the court's motivation for service to children, families, and the community.
Ogden is a diverse community with a history of innovation, collaboration and cooperation among the many stakeholders in the community for the benefit of children and families. This building will be a symbol of the importance of children and families to the community, and provide them with a place of hope, motivation, inspiration, safety and strength.
The committee has identified areas that may be of interest for placement of public work: the exterior plaza, any of the surfaces or air space of the 30’ tall lobby (suspended columnar lights are in the design at present but could be moved or changed,) the floor to ceiling glass tile wall of floors 2-5 facing the north glass curtain wall, the glass curtain wall (keeping in mind the design of the glass curtain wall was to emphasize and facilitate the view of the Wasatch Mountain range.) The committee is also open to other sites as suggested by the artist(s.)
$208,000 has been allocated by the Utah State Legislature to commission public art work(s) for this facility. These funds are intended to cover all costs associated with the artist’s public art commission(s) including but limited to; travel, installation and related expenses.
Finalists will be offered an honorarium to assist with costs associated with time and travel for a full proposal presentation and interview with the selection committee. The honorarium will become part of the total commission award for the selected artist(s).
Resident American or legal resident artists / artist teams are eligible to apply. Art selection committee members, Utah Arts Council staff and employees, subcontractors or consultants of VCBO Architecture or Jacobsen Construction are not eligible for this project.
Interested artists may submit applications online or hard copy. The deadline is the same for both methods and is not a postmark deadline. Please do not include supplemental materials beyond the requirements listed below. All applications must include the following:
- Register at www.callforentry.org and follow the directions for registration and submitting material for this Public Art Request for Qualifications
If the artist’s work cannot be documented well with still image you may submit movie files via the “Hard Copy Method” listed below. Movie files cannot be submitted via the online portal.
A PC compatible CD or DVD Labeled with applicant's name, and contact information containing:
1. A letter of interest of not more than three typewritten pages in pdf format. This letter should include the artist’s reasons for interest in this project in particular. In doing so, the artist should also describe how his/her work and/or experience relates to the project.
2. Up to six (6 ) images maximum of previous site-specific public work. All images must be in JPEG format, 1920 pixels maximum on the longest side, 72 dpi, with compression settings resulting in the best image quality under 2MB file size. The image files should be named so that the list sorts in the order of the image listing.
3. A pdf document indentifying each image to include title, year, medium, dimensions.
4. A professional resume in pdf format
If the work cannot be documented well with still images a DVD (of no more than 3 minutes) may be submitted as documentation of artist’s projects. Please note only one media, movie file or images, can be presented to the committee per artist in this preliminary phase.
If the artist wishes the material returned, an addressed and stamped envelope of ample size and postage for return of the CD or DVD should be included. Material that is not accompanied by a stamped envelope cannot be returned.
Utah Arts & Museums will not be responsible for applications delayed or lost in transit. While all reasonable care will be taken in the handling of materials, neither the Utah Division of Arts & Museums nor the Ogden Juvenile Court Art Selection Committee will be liable for late, lost or damaged materials or electronic files. Faxed or e-mailed applications cannot be accepted.
Ogden Juvenile Court Art Selection Committee reserves the right to withhold the award of a commission or re-release the call for entries should it be determined the finalist proposals are unacceptable.
Complete online applications must be submitted on or before March 7, 2014 by 12 Midnight MDT
Applications sent by mail, courier, hand delivered or express delivery must be RECEIVED on or before March 7, 2014 by 5 p.m. MDT (THIS IS NOT A POSTMARK DEADLINE) and sent to:
Jim Glenn, Utah Public Art Program
RE: Ogden Juvenile Court
300 S Rio Grande
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
The Selection Committee will review proposals from which a short list of semi-finalists will be selected and invited to develop a proposal. The finalist honorarium will be applied toward the commission amount for the artist(s) awarded the commission. Final selection(s) will be made from the semi-finalists.
March 7, 2014 - Deadline for receipt of qualifications
March 28, 2014 - Committee reviews applications
May 27, 2014 - Finalist presentations / proposals
March 2015 - Project complete / move in
Travis Ericson - Ogden Courts Administration
Matthias Mueller - Project Manager, DFCM
Nathan Levitt - VCBO Architecture
Alyn Lunceford - Utah State Courts Administration
Philipp Malzl - Board, Utah Division of Arts & Museums
Ginny Stout - Director, Ogden City Arts
Brent Tippets - VCBO Architecture
Hon. Michelle Heward - Judge, 2nd District Juvenile Court
Please do not contact committee members. If you have any questions about this or other projects information is available at: www.utahpublicart.org
Or contact: Jim Glenn at 801-245-7271 or e-mail at: jglenn@utah.gov
Felicia Baca at 801-245-7272 or e-mail at: fbaca@utah.gov
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