Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Video Project: Le TGV en 50 secondes

The project of this video demonstration is a homage to the Lumière brothers and the recognition of the fundamental role which the train had and has in the development of the voyage.
We are sure that “L'arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat”, a short of 50 seconds, was the first art film in the history. In its brevity, it takes on the cinematographic language and attests the social development in the sense of modernity, interpreted as freedom of collective and fast voyage.
CO.AR.CO. will dedicate its activity of the cultural season 2012 at the realization of an artists’ video collection on the topic of the TGV. The videos, just like the original film of the Lumière brothers “L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat”, have a length of 50 seconds (+ generic titles) developing the subject of a travel by train.

Association Culturelle Loi 1901
4, Domaine Ventre - 43, Rue De La Palud.
13001 Marseille
Tél. & Fax: +33 (0)4 91 54 41 47

Email: coarco.art@free.fr


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