Monday, November 19, 2012

Latino Artists 2013 Grant Program and Call for Artists

Launched in 2005 by the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures with major support from the Ford Foundation, the NALAC Fund for the Arts provides a variety of grants to assist US-based Latino artists and arts organizations in the development, creation, presentation and sustainability of artistic excellence, as well as the opportunity to participate in activities that contribute to professional and organizational growth.

The NFA is a national grant program open to US-based Latino working artists, ensembles and small to mid-sized Latino arts organizations that demonstrate artistic excellence in pursuit of social justice through the arts. To date, the NFA has awarded over one million dollars to a diverse range of artists and organizations representing every discipline and region of the country. Applying to the NFA is a benefit of NALAC Membership. To establish or renew your membership visit:

NFA Grants for Latino Artists and Ensembles
Project Grant $1,000-$10,000
Fellowship $1,000-$5,000
Master Artist Grant $10,000-$20,000
NFA Grants for Latino Arts Organizations
Project Grant $1,000-$10,000
General Operating Support $1,000-$10,000
Festival $10,000-$20,000

For more information visit: NALAC Fund for the Arts
NALAC Transnational Cultural Remittances (TCR)
Transnational Cultural Remittances funding supports exemplary cultural exchanges that promote grassroots artistic collaboration and strengthen social networks between the United States, Mexico and Central America.
The competitive TCR grant program is open to individuals, collectives and community-based organizations in the United States, Mexico and Central America. Successful projects demonstrate a continuous and ongoing exchange whereby artistic activity supports, preserves or extends the cultural practices between linked communities in two or more of the following countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the United States. To date, the TCR grant program has awarded more than a quarter-million dollars reaching sixty communities.

Grant Award $2,000-$20,000

For more information visit: Transnational Cultural Remittances
Programa de Subvención: Remesas Transnacionales Culturales (TCR) 
Creado en 2008 con el apoyo de la Fundación Ford, el programa de subvención Remesas Culturales Transnacionales (TCR) apoya intercambios culturales ejemplares que promueven la base de la colaboración artística y fortalecen las redes sociales entre los Estados Unidos, México y América Central.

El programa de becas TCR es competitivo, y está abierto a individuos, colectivos y organizaciones de base comunitaria en los Estados Unidos, México y América Central. Proyectos exitosos demuestran un intercambio continuo mediante el cual la actividad artística apoya, conserva o extiende a las prácticas culturales entre las comunidades vinculadas en dos o más de los siguientes países: Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá y los Estados Unidos. Hasta la fecha, el programa TCR de subvención ha otorgado mas de $250,000 dolares USD en sesenta comunidades.

Becas $2,000 - $20,000 USD
Para mas información visite: Remesas Transnacionales Culturales

The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures is the nation’s only multidisciplinary Latino arts service organization. For 23 years, NALAC has provided critical advocacy, funding, networking opportunities and professional development training to build the capacity and sustainability of the Latino arts and cultural field to sustain artists and arts organizations in every region of the country.

NALAC’s membership is a multiethnic, multigenerational, and interdisciplinary community that includes thousands of Latino artists and more than 900 large and small not-for-profit Latino arts and cultural organizations in the United States. NALAC artists and arts organizations specialize in a diverse range of disciplines which include visual arts, theater, dance, music, performance art, literature and mixed media.

Since its founding, NALAC has bolstered leadership and training in the Latino arts field, hosting eight National Conferences, 26 Regional Arts Training Workshops, and 12 Leadership Institutes with more than 200 alumni across the country. Additionally, over $1 million dollars have been distributed to the Latino arts community through direct grant programs.

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