Monday, November 12, 2012

Call for AIR in Marseille, France

“The city of curiosities’ is an artistic residency initiated by the Foundation of the Logirem Company with the support of its partners. The residency aims to the creation of a permanent artwork within the area of La Bricarde in Marseille, in relation with the inhabitants. As part of Marseille 2013 European cultural capital’s programme, the residency is of a particular significance. This is the fourth edition of the artistic residency project in La Bricarde.

Logirem is an anonymous society of social housing located in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region. With more than 20 000 housings, 400 employees and a turnover of 120 000 millions of Euros, this company is a major economical actor in the building trade and services’ domain. Its foundation supports the development of projects on the territories where it is implanted, mostly in the cultural realm.

The city of curiosities project is a Euro-Mediterranean atelier of Marseille Provence 2013. It is supported by all the institutions and local authorities: The Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône, the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the city of Marseille, the Regional Direction for Contemporary Art Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur/Ministry of Cultureand the Regional Fund for Contemporary art of the Bouches-du-Rhône Department. All of them are members of the panel jury that will select the artist.

The delegated production of the project is held by Sextant et plus (, a non profit organisation that produces and promotes contemporary art exhibitions and projects. Sextant et plus is located at La Friche La Belle de mai in Marseille. The organisation also has an office in La Bricarde.

This call for residency is addressed to an artist for a 6 months creation’s residency from January to July 2013 in La Bricarde, 15th area of Marseille.
Aims of the residency

The goal of the residency is the creation and the insertion of an original and permanent artwork within the area of La Bricarde, entitled “City of curiosities”. This context responsive piece will be the visible achievement of the residency’s process, the reflections led about the territory and the links weaved with the inhabitants and a group of Logirem’s employees. These actions intent to raise the awareness of the inhabitants about contemporary art, improve the local artistic life and engage Logirem’s collaborators into a sensitive and collaborative approach of contemporary art. The artist will be encouraged to immerse within the area and to weave links with the inhabitants.  He or she will be asked to create a permanent artwork for the exterior spaces of the site that offers a unique panorama on Marseille’ industrial harbour.

The artist will be accompanied by the organisation Sextant et plus and the Logirem Foundation and provided with a working space in La Bricarde. S/he will be involved in an education programme specifically designed by Sextant et plus with the educative, cultural and social workers of the territory. This education programme will take place in local schools and in the education space of Sextant et plus in La Bricarde : The curiosities gallery.
General Conditions

- The artist will receive a 9000 € fee (all tax inclusive) for the whole residency project. S/he will have a personal working space of about 25m2 and a production budget around 25 000 Euros maximum (all tax inclusive). Please note that on these 25 000 euros, about 5000 euros will be devoted to the conception of the artwork and its security and presentation costs.

- The artist agrees on being present during the 6 months of his/her residency. S/he agrees on being fully available for this ambitious project during which s/he will take part in education actions conceived together with Sextant et plus.

- The artist agrees on producing and delivering his/her work within the deadlines of the residency.

- S/he agrees on giving up his/her copyrights for the work s/he will create and accepts that it might be reproduced on PR documents.

- After the residency, the artist will be commissioned an artistic object derivating from his/her work, that will be part of the Logirem collection. A specific budget will be allocated to this operation.

The residency does not include accommodation nor transport that will be payable by the artist. For international artists, notions of French will be appreciated.
Selection process

The selection process of the artist in residency 2013 will unfold in 3 steps:

    To apply, please send a portfolio and a CV before the 15th of November 2012, at the following address: You will received an acknowledgement of receipt. On this basis, about 5 candidates will be shortlisted by the members of the jury according to their experience and their ability to develop a permanent artwork within the public space and develop links with La Bricarde’s inhabitants.
    A detailed folder gathering information about the territory and the residency will be sent to the shortlisted applicants. They will be asked to send a statement in French that will give an idea of the project they intend to achieve during the residency.
    On the basis of these statements, a panel jury gathering all the partners of the project will interview the shortlisted applicants on the 4th of December 2012 in Marseille, in order to chose the artist in residency 2013. The applicants who reach this step but who are not selected will be refunded for their travel expenses.

For any information, please contact:

Sextant et plus

Bérénice Saliou - International Projects Manager

+33 4 95 04 95 94

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