Friday, October 10, 2014

Free-Standing Art - City of Hayden Public Library

Project Overview and Intent
The Hayden Arts Commission, working in collaboration with the City of Hayden, Hayden Library, and Hayden Urban Renewal Agency, hereby invites artists or artist teams to submit proposals for public art for the City’s Central Business District. Specifically, this is a call for a large freestanding piece or group of pieces to be placed on property located between the Hayden Library and the new Peak Fitness facility.
Specifics are as follows:
·         Piece(s) will be viewed from Government Way and their primary purpose is to reduce or soften the visual impact of the scale of the brick red colored wall of the Peak Fitness facility.  As such, a piece(s) must be tall enough and strategically located to be viewed by pedestrian and vehicle traffic traveling north and south-bound on Government Way, though a piece is not required to be viewed in its entirety from any one perspective.  Preference will be given to pieces that have a high focal point(s) and that are designed or mounted to be viewed from the roadway.  Pieces must be visible above the height of vehicles parked in the Library parking lot.   Horizontal installations (one or a grouping of individual pieces) running the east-west length of the area and even wrapping around the northeast corner of the Peak Fitness facility are encouraged.  Note that pieces may not be mounted on the wall of the Peak facility.
·         Lighting of the piece(s) may be proposed.  Other than this, the piece(s) shall not require a power supply.
·         No piece(s) may use water.
·         Piece(s) are encouraged to be bright and engaging.
·         All piece(s) should be safe, being non-combustible and having no pinch points, sharp edges, corners, or similar features.  This is for the purpose of reducing liability as much as is feasible.
·         As much as is feasible, piece(s) must be graffiti-resistant.
·         Piece(s) must be designed so that they may easily be installed and permanently secured. Piece(s) should require minimal maintenance or upkeep.
·         The piece(s) will be outside and exposed to a variety of elements, including (but not limited to): sun, wind, rain, freezing temperatures, snowfall, and ice. There are sprinkler systems installed along this strip of land which may expose the work to additional water.  Additionally, there is electrical conduit and related infrastructure running through the site.  The piece(s) must be designed, and if necessary, engineered, with these factors in mind.
·         The piece(s) may be kinetic and designed to move; however, it must not attract physical interaction due to its location near a parking lot and public street.
·         The piece(s) may include permanent landscaping elements.
The piece(s) will be installed in an area no larger than that shown in red on the attached site plan and can be designed to fill the entire site or portion(s) of the site.  Note that the site is long and narrow. A photo tour of the corridor is available on the City of Hayden Arts Commission website.
This site is located in the Hayden Central Business District, which extends from Prairie Avenue to Miles Avenue travelling north on Government Way. It is comprised of small stores, business offices, shops, restaurants, Hayden Library, City Hall, City Park, and the historic Hayden Lake School.   
This competition is open to any artist, designer, architect, engineer, landscape architect, planner, or fabricator, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, or physical or mental disability. Artists or artist’s teams are eligible to apply, including teams of artists from multiple disciplines. Artists may submit multiple designs (up to three each). City of Hayden employees, as well as selection panelists and their immediate family members are not eligible for participation.
Selection Process and Related Items
Responses to this selection process will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, to be comprised of Hayden Arts Commission members as well as Hayden City staff and Hayden Library staff.  The Selection Committee will select 5 finalists whose proposals will be evaluated again by the same Committee after receiving input from the public and more detailed design/budget and other information from the artist.  This Committee will then make a recommendation of one finalist’s proposal to the Hayden City Council and the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency.  The Hayden Urban Renewal Agency will then execute a contract for services and artwork with the selected artist and will create and enter into a contract with the City for site preparation work.   Additionally, easements and construction improvement agreements will be created and signed with the Hayden Library and the owners of the Peak Fitness property.   When complete, the artwork will become the property of the City of Hayden.
Selection Criteria:
The piece(s) should:
·         Be within the maximum budget cap for entire project including installation, which is $60,000.00.
·         Provide a positive impression and lasting memory for visitors and citizens
·         Provide an urban, upbeat sense of space
·         Reflect a theme appropriate to the site.  The selection committee is neutral on whether or not the piece should have a theme related to the library; but if that is proposed, the artwork must reflect a modern library, encompassing multi-media, technology, education, community networking, and related resources and not simply reflect on the traditional book-only orientation of libraries of the past.
·         Be large enough and bright enough to stand out in the limited space and serve to distract or diminish the scale of the building on the adjacent property to the south
·         Be no wider, longer, or taller than the space will allow (see attached Exhibit 1 for specifics)
The selection criteria to be used for the initial selection shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1.      Design, including:  Artistic quality, theme, context, media, positive impression, upbeat tone, diversity, memorability, appropriateness for the location, and performance. Design must be original and not reproducible.
2.      Feasibility
3.      Public safety and related design considerations in construction and performance
4.      A proven ability by the artist and his/her team to work effectively together and with outside entities in collaborative situations and within established timelines
5.      The artist and her/her team’s experience in architecture of landscape-based projects
6.      The artist and her/her team’s experience working with design professionals and integrating artistic concepts into construction documents
7.      An evaluation of the proposed budget for consistency with proposed budget established in the RFP, completeness and appropriateness to the design proposed
The selection criteria to be used for the final selection will be developed in advance of this phase.
Submission Requirements:
Each entry must provide a total of 4-6 images, including a combination of previous works (only relevant free-standing art) and proposed design concepts for this site.
All images need to be categorized into either previous work or proposed art and must be labeled.
Artists may submit up to 3 images of proposed art and up to 3 images of previous work.
Artists must also submit the following:
• A resume describing past works, please include three references
• A short bio describing interest in project, description of proposed art piece (concept, type of materials, landscaping elements), vision statement, timeline to create and install proposed art piece, and a description of how the piece relates to Hayden, Idaho, if applicable.
Note that further development will be required if your design is accepted.
The full RFP, including additional information on the second submittal, full timeline, and the history of hayden, along with the photo tour of the site can be found on the City of Hayden Arts Commission website:{9A0504A7-5193-4AC0-A2BF-F50DB55812E7}

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