Wednesday, August 14, 2013

LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE UNESCO-Aschberg artist bursary

Artist bursary UNESCO-Aschberg
Four-month production residency in digital arts in Quebec City for young French-speaking African artist
A collaboration between CALQ, UNESCO, Quebec City and LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE
Deadline : November 3rd 2013
LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE puts forward a production residency in Net art/ Web art. This residency is open to artists in Visual Arts and new media already working with new technologies or wishing to explore new medias. LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE is interested in projects that aim at the exploration of the various possibilities of the medium, such as interactivity, participative art, hypertext, sound exploration, fixed or moving image treatement, etc.
The residency stretches over four months between then beginning of April and the end of July 2014. The program is intended exclusively for artists between 25 year and 35 years of age from French Africa who already have two years of professional practice and whose origin is from one of the countries members or observers of the International Organisation of la Francophonie. Send your proposals to LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE by e-mail in a compressed folder of less than 12M until November 3rd 2013 to the following address :
The bursary includes :
- Six-week access to a digital laboratory with MAC environment
- 120 hours of technical assistance
- Honorary of CAN$1100
- CAN$8000 of per diem
- The dissemination of the work on our website for at least six months
- Accomodation and transport (two-way ticket)
The proposal must include :
- Duly filled entry form
- A letter of intention
- A text describing the project
- Visual documents
- Short text describing the artist’s statement
- A recent CV
For more details and to download the entry form, please visit (in French only):

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