23 of May - 26 of June
Walking Peace - part of a EU-project
The theme residency "Walking Peace" is created by ARNA as part of a rural development project run by Leader Lundaland called "Land & Environment". Leader is a project model within European Union, supporting entrepreneurship on the countryside, also within culture. Leader Lundaland's support for the theme residence of "Walking Peace" is also a support for ARNA's green vision to become an international and creative hub for new connections between art and nature. ARNA cooperate with the The Church of Sweden and the Pilgrim Way in Skåne and Blekinge.
Walking trails
In The Avian Kingdom 3 walking trails follow the same path for 13 km; 2 pilgrim trails and 1 hiking trail. At the very spot where they meet in Harlösa, with a beautiful view out over the landscape, we hope to build our future residency center. As part of the vision to be a venue where art, nature and people of all cultural background meets, ARNA has created the combined art project and residency stay with the name ”Walking Peace”; a green, peaceful way of making new connections across cultural backgrounds and religions to create art as a statement for peace.
The art project "Walking Peace" offer
- 3 artists Accommodation Grants, meaning free stay at ARNA for 5 weeks for the period of 23 of May – 26 of June. You live at the same place the whole time.
- We organize the art project and help you out with the practicalities during your participation, fx all transportations. You will be given guided introduction to the project and meet interesting people.
- Local exhibition and press contacts during the project.
- We will invite parishes, religious communities of different confessions and the press to walk along with us, shorter or longer parts. Hopefully this will create a lot of interests around the project for peace.
- We pick you up with car at nearest trainstation at arrival.
- You will meet a lot of friendly people in informal and inspiring ways.
- You will see Sweden's nature at its best time of year, also be here over our famous Midsummer celebrations.
We ask of you
- To be yourself - Make a personal and artistic interpretation of your participation in the art project ”Walking Peace”.
- To do at least 15 days of work for the art project, during your stay of up to 33 days. As part of our projects funding you will be asked to fill in a diary for at least 75 hours of work, walking days included.
- The art project includes a lot of walking; 10 km/day for 12 days, meaning being outdoors up to 3 hours a day. You need to have good walking shoes and suitable clothes with you at arrival.
- Sketches for benches with the theme ”rest”. We will introduce the sketches for parishes along the trail with the aim to sell the idea of artisticly designed benches for rest, meditation or conversation. Maybe you will sell your designs?
- Make a presentation of yourself during an ARNA-evening/artist
talk (ca
20-30 min), show your work during an Open Studio and take part in the
preparation of exhibition/exhibitions.
You still have to pay for
Your flights
Food, art material and other daily necessities during your stay.
Your own recreational expenses during your stay.
Last day for applications is 1 of April of 2013
Read how you make your application here
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